Random Acts of Kindness Day is Coming Soon

Sometimes, all it takes is a smile or wave to make someone smile. It’s free, it’s polite and most of all, it’s kind.

February 17th is Random Acts of Kindness Day. Yes, a whole day dedicated to being nice. Started by the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation in America, the initiative has gone global in a bid to remind people that being kind is easy.

In this quick read, we’ve come up with free and simple ways to be kind.

  1. Love thy neighbour

Ok, their dog barks all the time, they watch TV too loudly, and their new extension is a bit big. Whatever your reason for not loving your neighbours, it doesn’t mean you can’t be kind. Be the bigger person and wheel in their bins. They won’t know who did it, but you can feel smug in the knowledge you saved them a chore.

  1. Smile at a stranger

Going for a walk? Running to the shops? Instead of sticking with that stiff upper lip, smile at a stranger while out and about. It won’t hurt, and you might make someone’s day. We never know what goes on behind closed doors; some people may feel isolated and lonely, or just need to feel like they matter. A quick smile costs nothing, and while it may not be returned, at least you tried.

  1. Please and thank you

Go on, admit it – sometimes you order a coffee, grab it and run without saying thank you. Or, you go into a shop and forget to say please when you ask for your size. Just by remembering to acknowledge the person serving, you can make their possibly rubbish day less so. It costs nothing to remember your manners and make someone feel less invisible.

  1. Be kind to yourself

Brits love a bit of self-deprecating humour. We do it all the time without even realising that subconsciously we’re telling ourselves that we’re not good enough. Whether you’re always forgetting things, moaning about how you look or telling people how much weight you’ve gained, make this the day you stop. Have a bubble bath, write down some goals or treat yourself to that extra biscuit. Just don’t silently berate yourself while doing it.

  1. Save the environment

You don’t have to chain yourself to a tree or stop eating cheeseburgers to be kind to the environment. It just takes a bit of thought to make the world you live in a better place. Pick up some litter and shove it in the bin, make sure you recycle, or plant some seeds to enjoy the flowers and help the bees. However small the action, being kind will make you and your world feel better.

At Drewery Property Consultants, we hope you enjoy your Random Acts of Kindness Day. What will you be doing in Sicup to celebrate being kind in our community?

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Tom Ferguson
Residential Sales Manager
07956 931964


David Dirkx
Residential Lettings Manager
07956 931975



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