Make the Most of Recycle Awareness Week in Sidcup

This two-minute read takes a look at Recycle Awareness Week and what we can do this week and beyond.

Recycle Now has been running Recycle Awareness Week annually, with 2021 being its 18th year. The emphasis is on celebrating how many of us are recycling and ensuring we all continue to do so.

As the Zero-Waste Chef blogger Anne-Marie Bonneau said: “We don’t need a handful of people doing zero waste perfectly. We need millions of people doing it imperfectly.”

Here are some ways you can work on waste.

Plastic packaging waste

Plastic packaging is important to protect food wastage through the economic journey. However, it is also the largest contributor to worldwide plastic waste.

Top tips:

  • Use reusable beeswax food wrap instead of cling film.
  • Use reusable bags when shopping, even in the supermarket for collecting loose fruit and veg.
  • Buy in bulk or use hard soap and hard shampoos.

Reduce food waste

In the UK, a shocking three quarters of all food waste could have been eaten. Buying only what you need, when you need it, is the best place to start with this. Cutting your food waste at home can save you in the region of £500 a year.

Top tips:

  • Store food correctly. Stored properly, food will last longer so that gives you more time to use it up.
  • Preserve food. This might mean pickling, fermenting, or simply using your freezer better.
  • Use your leftovers. Leftovers aren’t just for Christmas! Use a glass container to keep them stored in the fridge and visible so you remember to use them up in time.

Clothing and textiles

The fast fashion industry has shaped society into a linear one where we ‘make, use, dispose’. £140 million of clothing ends up in UK landfill every year. It is thought that four out of five people have unworn clothes at home that simply need altering to fit.

Top tips:

  • Learn how to alter/repair your clothes so you can make the most of them.
  • Arrange clothes swap parties with friends to give your wardrobe a new lease of life and declutter.
  • Use charity shops to give away items you no longer want and to purchase new-to-you pieces.

What are your favourite ways to recycle, reuse, and reduce? Let us know by emailing us at

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Tom Ferguson
Residential Sales Manager
07956 931964

David Dirkx
Residential Lettings Manager
07956 931975



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